Thursday, 6 June 2013

Wrong conception of word "KAFIR"


Views of eminent Muslim religious leader Late Asghar Ali Engineer of Mumbai regarding wrong conception of the word ‘Kafir’ and oneness of religion in Quran.

Condensed Ref:

(1)         Four pages typed copy of letters written by him to me.
(2)         Two pages rough paper dealing with conception of oneness of religion and rituals.
(3)         Copies of letters dated 25th January 2011 and 24th March 2011 from Shri Ashok Dewan, Director, Vice Presidents Secretariat.
(4)         Copy of letter dated 30th June 2011 from Under Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ms. Sujasha Choudhury.
(5)         Copies of letters to Hon’ble Vice President of India Shri Mohd. Hamid Ansari dated 18th November 2010 and 15th January 2011.


Kafir is very important word.  The so called Jihad or Muslim terrorism is directed against Kafir.  After 26/11 incident there is some change in the thinking of many Muslim religious leaders regarding the Quranic conception of Jihad yet there is confusion on this topic.  Late Shri Asghar Ali Engineer was of the opinion that the prevalent conception of the word ‘Kafir’ is wrong and the real conception should be traced from the literal meaning of the word Kafir which means one who conceals or hides.

If the literal meaning is taken then not only Hindus but Christians are eliminated. They did not conceal any thing.  Major part of Quran deals with Jews who are called people of Book. Something very important was revealed to them and they were entrusted with the duty to explain it to mankind and not to conceal.

Sura Al-i-Imran 187   And remember God took a covenant from People of Book to make it known and clear to mankind and not to hide it.  

Quran accuses Jews that they failed in their duty and created confusion and thus obstructed mankind from the true path of Allah.

I felt that being a honest citizen of India it is my duty to convey the views of Shri Asghar Ali to highest authorities of India.  In all my letters, I have made the point very clear that I have nothing to do with the topic of Kafir and clearly explained my way of dealing.  The two letters to Hon’ble Vice President of India explains my line of approach.  I rough papers ‘Introducing Quran as future world guide’ is in internet and I am waiting for opinion.

This short paper is not for explanation but information that I have done my duty. Some rough paper dealing with the faculty of intuition and intellectual blindness are enclosed.  A two pages paper on prevalent conception of Kafir is also enclosed.  A Short letter to my sister Shamim Aleen may be enclosed the significance of which will be explained later on.

I am of the opinion that there should be no confusion or two opinions regarding the conception of Kafir and Jihad.  Qurans verdict should be taken by Muslim religious leaders as absolute authority. 

Hoping to be excused for spelling mistakes and typing errors.  The fact should be very clear that I am an ordinary doctor.

Yours sincerely

Dr. M.A.Khan
A-46, Priyadarshini Nagar,
Bilaspur (C.G.)
Ph. 07752-247610/210480
Mobile- 9977-806020